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Parish councils have the right to make comments on planning applications affecting their area.


The planning authority (which is usually East Suffolk Council) allows a parish council 21 days to respond to a planning application.  The application will be considered by the parish council at the next council meeting (if there is a meeting within that time-period) and will feature on the agenda as an item to be discussed.  Members of the public are welcome to attend meetings and can speak during the public participation item on the agenda to give their views on a planning application.  They are also encouraged to provide their own comments on East Suffolk Council's planning pages.  Due to coronavirus restrictions the appointed members of the Oulton Parish Council Planning Working Group will be considering applications outside of meetings and will carry out separate site visits to the locations to make an informed decision.  Should you have any issues/concerns/questions about a planning application please do not hesitate to contact the Clerk.


Reconsultation - Planning Reference: DC/23/2826/ARM

Proposal: Approval of Reserved Matters of DC/01/0977/OUT - Outline Application for a mixed use development comprising of residential, neighbourhood shopping centre, community hall, primary school, play areas and country park - Access, Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale of development for Phase 6 comprising 34 dwellings

Address: Phase 6 at, Woods Meadow, Oulton, Lowestoft, Suffolk

Expiry Date: 19th August 2024


Proposed new homes:

Planning consultation - notification of public access consultation
Planning reference: DC/23/3191/OUT
Proposal: Hybrid Planning Application on 8.27 hectares of land to the north of Hall
Lane and south of Union Lane, seeking outline planning permission for 163 no. dwellings, associated infrastructure, public open space and a preschool site (if required). Together with full application for 34 no. dwellings, vehicular access, associated infrastructure, and public open space.
Site address: Land Between Hall Lane And , Union Lane, Oulton, Suffolk,
Consultation letter
Expiry date: 11 October 2023



East Suffolk District Council


Details of planning applications along with the Parish Council’s comments can be found on East Suffolk Council’s planning pages.

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