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Parish councils have the right to make comments on planning applications affecting their area.


The planning authority (which is usually East Suffolk Council) allows a parish council 21 days to respond to a planning application.  The application will be considered by the parish council at the next council meeting (if there is a meeting within that time-period) and will feature on the agenda as an item to be discussed.  Members of the public are welcome to attend meetings and can speak during the public participation item on the agenda to give their views on a planning application.  They are also encouraged to provide their own comments on East Suffolk Council's planning pages.  Due to coronavirus restrictions the appointed members of the Oulton Parish Council Planning Working Group will be considering applications outside of meetings and will carry out separate site visits to the locations to make an informed decision.  Should you have any issues/concerns/questions about a planning application please do not hesitate to contact the Clerk.


Proposed new homes:

Planning consultation - notification of public access consultation
Planning reference: DC/23/3191/OUT
Proposal: Hybrid Planning Application on 8.27 hectares of land to the north of Hall
Lane and south of Union Lane, seeking outline planning permission for 163 no. dwellings, associated infrastructure, public open space and a preschool site (if required). Together with full application for 34 no. dwellings, vehicular access, associated infrastructure, and public open space.
Site address: Land Between Hall Lane And , Union Lane, Oulton, Suffolk,
Consultation letter
Expiry date: 11 October 2023


Link to Public Access to view documents: Click Here

Link to SCC Letter: Click Here

Link to Oulton Parish Council Response Letter: Click Here


Proposed new homes:

Planning consultation - notification of public access consultation DC/23/2782/ARM Land South Of Hall Lane, Oulton, Suffolk Link to Document

Consultation expiry date 16 August 2023


Planning consultation - notification of public access consultation DC/23/2826/ARM Phase 6 At, Woods Meadow, Oulton, Lowestoft, Suffolk  Link to Document

Consultation expiry date 16 August 2023



Application for claimed Bridleways at Oulton, Suffolk

Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 – Schedule 14 Appeal

Appeal Ref. ROW/3312084 

Appeal Decision Date 12th May 2023 

Appeal Decision Allowed - link to full document

Formal Decision

The appeal is allowed and in accordance with Paragraph 4(2) of Schedule 14 of the 1981 Act, Suffolk County Council is directed to make an Order under Section 53(2) and Schedule 15 of the Act to modify the definitive map and statement for the area by upgrading the existing footpaths to bridleway status and by adding a public bridleway as shown between points E-F on the plan attached.

This decision is made without prejudice to any decisions that may be given by the Secretary of State in accordance with his powers under Schedule 15 of the 1981 Act.



Proposed new homes:

Land South of Union Lane and North of Hall Lane, Oulton

Brochure on the development - comments sought by 23rd Dec 22


Note:  There will be a presentation by Cornerstone Planning on Tuesday 6th Dec 7pm at the Parish Council Meeting, Oulton Community Centre



New Planning Application DC/22/1030/FUL Consultation expiry date 21 April 2022


Location:  29 Chiltern Crescent, Oulton, NR32 3HQ


See details of this application (link to external website)


New Planning Application DC/22/0717/FUL Consultation expiry date 24 March 2022


Location:  Oaklands Hall Lane, Oulton, NR32 3AT


See details of this application (link to external website)


New Planning Application DC/22/0517/ARM Consultation expiry date 24 March 2022   

Approval of Reserved Matters of DC/01/0977/OUT


Location:  - Outline Application for a mixed use development comprising of residential, neighbourhood shopping centre, community hall, primary school, play areas and country park - Access, Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale of development for Phase 5 comprising 24 dwellings


See details of this application (link to external website)



New Planning Application DC/22/0589/FUL Consultation expiry date 17 March 2022


Location:  23 Cambrian Crescent, Oulton, NR32 3HW


See details of this application (link to external website)



Land North of Union Lane, Oulton


Oldman Homes are in the process of preparing a planning application on this site for 137 dwellings, open space and associated infrastructure.


The consultation starts on Friday 18 February 2022 and closes at 5 pm on Friday 4 March 2022.


See details about this application (link to external website)


You can provide feedback in the following ways:

1. Fill out the Google Form (link to external website)


2. Email at:


3. Write to:


Bidwells (Oulton Consultation)

16 Upper King Street






New Planning Application DC/22/0425/FUL Consultation expiry date 4 March 2022


Location:  3 Brendon Close, Oulton, NR32 3HL


See details of this application (link to external website)



New Planning Application DC/22/0181/FUL Consultation expiry date 17 February 2022


Location:  9 Lupton Close, Oulton, NR32 3QS


See details of this application (link to external website)



New Planning Application DC/21/5578/FUL Consultation expiry date 14 January 2022


Location:  7a Hall Lane, Oulton, NR32 3AT


See details of this application (link to external website)



New Planning Application DC/21/4953/FUL  Consultation expiry date 25 November 2021


Location:  The Stables, Church Avenue, Camps Heath, NR32 5BQ


See details of this application (link to external website)



New Planning Application DC/21/4436/FUL Consultation expiry date  22 November 2021


Location:  Laurel Farm, Hall Lane, Oulton, Lowestoft, NR32 5DL


See details of this application (link to external website)



New Planning Application DC/21/3392/FUL Consultation expiry date 10 August 2021


Location:  3 Hobart Way, Oulton, NR32 3BW


See details of this application (link to external website)



New Planning Application DC/21/3260/DEM Consultation expiry date 5 August 2021


Location: Land Off Union Lane/Parkhill, Union Lane, Oulton, NR32 3JW


See details of this application (link to external website)



New Planning Application DC/21/3345/TPO Consultation expiry date 4 August 2021


Location:  296 Oulton Road North, Oulton, NR32 4QL


See details of this application (link to external website)




New Planning Application DC/21/2793/FUL Consultation expiry date 4 August 2021


Location:  24 Chiltern Crescent, Oulton, NR32 3HQ


See details of this application (link to external website)



New Planning Application DC/21/3026/FUL Consultation expiry date 26 July 2021


Location:  Primrose Cottage, Church Avenue, Oulton, NR32 5BQ


See details of this application (link to external website)



New Planning Application DC/21/2752/FUL Consultation expiry date 6 July 2021


Location:  Willow End, Hall Lane, Oulton, NR32 5DJ


See details of this application (link to external website)



New Planning Application DC/21/2576/FUL Consultation expiry date 1 July 2021


Location:  4 Allington-Smith Close, Oulton, NR32 3JW


See details of this application (link to external website)



Proposed Residential Planning Policy WLP2.14 - Land North of Union Lane, Oulton


This is undeveloped land on Parkhill and part of the site of the former Lothingland Hospital and burial grounds.  Allocated for a residential development of approximately 150 dwellings.  The site will be developed at a density of approximately 30 dwellings per hectare (2.471 acres) Vehicular access to be off Parkhill with an additional pedestrian and cycle access provided on to Union Lane. Oulton Parish Council are asking you to view the draft residential development brief and submit your comments online before 21st June when consultation ends, either from Oulton Parish Council website in the News & Info section or the link below:


Or at Oulton Community Centre, Saturday 5th June between 10am to 2pm where you can submit your comments to Councillors to pass onto East Suffolk Council Planning.



Oulton Parish Council response submitted to East Suffolk Council


Appendix A

Appendix B


East Suffolk Council list of responses to residential brief (link to external website)



New Planning Application DC/21/2447/FUL Consultation expiry date 16 June 2021


Location:  6 Sands Lane, Lowestoft, NR32 3EU


See details of this application  (link to external website)



New Planning Application DC/21/2459/FUL Consultation expiry date 15 June 2021


Location:  The Lodge, Camps Heath, Oulton, NR32 5BQ


See details of this application (link to external website)



New Planning Application DC/21/2066/FUL Consultation expiry date 11 June 2021


Location:  The Grange, 43 Parkhill, Oulton, NR32 5DQ


See details of this application (link to external website)



New Planning Application DC/21/2067/LBC Consultation expiry date 11 June 2021


Location:  The Grange, 43 Parkhill, Oulton, NR32 5DQ


See details of this application  (link to external website)



New Planning Application DC/21/2125/FUL Consultation expiry date 2 June 2021


Location:  64 Dunston Drive, Oulton, NR32 3RB


See details of this application (link to external website)



Public consultation on the Residential Development Brief for WLP2.14 Land north of Union Lane 10th May 2021 – 21st June 2021


The link below will take you to the Story Map presentation for the Residential Development Brief, which includes supporting documents for the Supplementary Planning Document.


Land north of Union Lane, Oulton (link to external website)



Notice of Public Path Order - East Suffolk Council (Oulton footpaths number 7 (part) and 8 (part) public path diversion order 2021


The above order, made on 21 April 2021 under section 257 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, will divert part of the footpaths at Woods Meadow at Lime Avenue, as described in the order below.


Details on the public path order



New Planning Application DC/21/1522/FUL Consultation expiry date 28 April 2021


Location:  23 Cambrian Crescent, Oulton, NR32 3HW


See details of this application  (link to external website)



New Planning Application DC/21/1247/FUL Consultation expiry date 20 April 2021


Location:  Meadow View, 16 Meadow Road, Oulton, NR32 3AZ


See details of this application (link to external website)



New Planning Application DC/21/1423/FUL Consultation expiry date 16 April 2021


Location:  56 Dunston Drive, Oulton, NR32 3BZ


See details of this application (link to external website)



New Planning Application DC/21/1186/FUL Consultation expiry date 9 April 2021


Location:  6 Birch Close, Oulton, NR32 3QF


See details of this application (link to external website)



New Planning Application DC/21/1031/FUL Consultation expiry date 29 March 2021


Location:  Mobbs Way, Oulton, NR32 3AL


See details of this application (link to external website)



New Planning Application DC/21/0626/FUL Consultation expiry date 5 March 2021


Location:  23 Mendip Road, Oulton, NR32 3HJ


See details of this application (link to external website)



New Planning Application DC/21/0158/FUL Consultation expiry date 9 February 2021


Location:  32 Grampian Way, Oulton, NR32 3EP


See details of this application (link to external website)



New Planning Application DC/20/4684/FUL Consultation expiry date 12 January 2021


Location:  Woods Meadow Country Park, Oulton


See details of this application (link to external website)



New Planning Application DC/20/5029/TPO Consultation expiry date 5 January 2021


Location:  22 Farrer Drive, Oulton, NR32 3BF


See details of this application (link to external website)



New Planning Application DC/20/4669/TPO Consultation expiry date 10 December 2020


Location:  37 The Pastures, Oulton, NR32 4WT


See details of this application (link to external website)



New Planning Application DC/20/4361/ARM Consultation expiry date 17 December 2020


Location:  Approval of reserved matters.  Land south of Hall Lane, Oulton


See details of this application (link to external website)



New Planning Application DC/20/4649/FUL Consultation expiry date 14 December 2020


Location:  Union Lane, Oulton, NR32 3AX


See details of this application (link to external website)



New Planning Application DC/20/4105/VLA Consultation expiry date 30 November 2020


Location:  Variation of Legal Agreement - DC/01/0977/OUT - Outline Application for a mixed use development comprising of residential, neighbourhood shopping centre, community hall, primary school, play areas and country park | Land South Of Hall Lane Oulton Suffolk


See details of this application (link to external website)



New Planning Application DC/20/4047/FUL Consultation expiry date 9 November 2020


Location:  Five Acres, Wood Lane, Oulton, NR32 5DN


See details of this application (link to external website)



New Planning Application DC/20/3820/ARM Consultation expiry date 21 October 2020


Location:  Phase IV Oldman Homes, Lime Avenue, Oulton, NR32 3BG


See details of this application (link to external website)



New Planning Application DC/20/3377/FUL Consultation expiry date 24 September 2020


Location:  8 Dunston Drive, Oulton, NR32 3BZ


See details of this application (link to external website)



New Planning Application DC/20/3296/LBC Consultation expiry date 23 September 2020


Location:  Manor House, Oulton Street, Oulton, NR32 3BB


See details of this application (link to external website)



New Planning Application DC/20/2742/FUL Consultation expiry date 02 September 2020 (amended plans)


Location: 2 Chiltern Crescent, Oulton, NR32 3HQ


See details of this application (link to external website)



New Planning Application DC/20/2866/FUL Consultation expiry date 28 August 2020


Location:  4 The Pastures, Oulton, NR32 4WT


See details of this application (link to external website)



New Planning Application DC/20/2898/FUL Consultation expiry date 25 August 2020


Location:  Parkhill Cottages, Park Hill, Oulton, NR32 5DQ


See details of this application (link to external website)



New Planning Application DC/20/2749/VOC Consultation expiry date 17 August 2020


Location:  Phase 4 Wood Meadow, Oldman Homes, Lime Avenue, Oulton, NR32 3BG


See details of this application (link to external website)



New Planning Application DC/20/2523/FUL Consultation expiry date 30 July 2020


Location: Five Acres, Wood Lane, Oulton, NR32 5DN


See details of this application (link to external website)


East Suffolk District Council


Details of planning applications along with the Parish Council’s comments can be found on East Suffolk Council’s planning pages.

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