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Budgets and finances


Our financial year runs from 1 April to 31 March. We agree an annual budget in December or January each year.


2023-2024 financial year:

Notice of Public Rights & Publication of Unaudited AGAR

CIL Report 2023-2024


2022-2023 financial year:

2022-2023 Budget

Notice of Public Rights & publication of unaudited AGAR

AGAR Section 1 2022-2023

AGAR Section 2 2022-2023

Expenditure 2022-2023

Notice of Conclusion

Reserves 2022 - 2023

SF0296 S3 Certificate

Variances 2022 - 2023


2021-2022 financial year:

2021-22 Budget

Internal Audit Report

Notice to Inspect AGAR

External Audit Report

Final External Auditor Report and Certificate 2021/22

Notice of conclusion of audit 

Exercise of Public Rights

Explanation of Variances


Asset Register March 22

Bank Reconciliation

List of Expenditure 2021/2022

CIL Report 2021/2022


2020-2021 financial year:

Notice of conclusion of audit 2020.21

Declaration of unaudited accounts for the financial year 2020.21

Annual Governance and Accountability

Return (AGAR):

AGAR 2021 Page 1 (cover page)

AGAR 2021 Page 2 (cover page)

AGAR 2021 Page 3

AGAR 2021 Page 4

AGAR 2021 Page 5

AGAR 2021 Page 6 

Notice of Public Rights 2021

Bank Reconciliation 31 March 2021

Explanation of Variances (from budget)

List of Payments Exceeding £100

Asset Register 31 March 2021

2020-21 Budget

CIL Report 2020-2021

Internal Audit Report


2019-2020 financial year:

Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR):  

AGAR 2020 Page 1 (cover page)

AGAR 2020 Page 2 (cover page)

AGAR 2020 Page 3

AGAR 2020 Page 4

AGAR 2020 Page 5

AGAR 2020 Page 6

Notice of Public Rights 2020

Bank Reconciliation 31 March 2020

Explanation of Variances (from budget)

List of Payments Exceeding £100

Asset Register 31 March 2020

CIL Report 31 March 2020


2018-2019 financial year:

Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR):  

AGAR 2019 Page 1 (cover page)

AGAR 2019 Page 2 (cover page)

AGAR 2019 Page 3

AGAR 2019 Page 4

AGAR 2019 Page 5

AGAR 2019 Page 6

Notice of Public Rights 2019

CIL Report 31 March 2019



2017-2018 financial year:

CIL Report 31 March 2018


2016-2017 financial year:

CIL Report 31 March 2017





Action Plan 2020/21


Appraisal Policy & Template 2023


Asset Management Policy 2024


​Code of Conduct


Code of Conduct Training

Certificate Dec 2023


Communications Policy 


Complaints Policy & Procedure


Co-option Policy


Councillor & Officer Responsibilities


Data Breach Policy


Data Protection Policy 2024


Data Protection Privacy Notice 2024


Dignity at Work/Bullying & Harassment Policy


Disciplinary Policy


Employers Liability Insurance Certificate


Equality & Diversity Policy


Expenses Policy


Financial Regulations 2024


Freedom of Information Act & Publication Scheme

Please contact the Clerk for details


GDPR Data/Information Audit


Grant Awarding Policy & Procedure 2024


Grievance Policy


Health & Safety Policy

Please contact the Clerk for details


ICO Registration Certificate

Please contact the Clerk for details


Internal Control Policy 2024


Local Council Award Scheme


Lone/Home Worker Policy


Pay Policy


Press & Media Relations Policy


Reserve Policy


Retention of Documents and Records Management Policy 2024


Risk Assessment and Management Policy 2024


Speed Indicator Device (SID) Risk Assessment and Management Policy


Standing Orders


Training & Development Policy


Training Record



Council Tax Precept


Parish Councils are empowered to raise money for their activities through a tax (the Precept) on the village residents which is collected on their behalf by the East Suffolk Council, as an addition to the District and County Council Tax. This is then paid to the Parish Council in two equal instalments.


Parish and town councils can apply for other funding such as grant and funding awards, but they do not receive funds directly from central government as principal authorities do. 

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